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BEST latest smartphones under 15000

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let's discuss some of the pointers that you should look for when you're buying the latest smartphones these days a lot of new latest smartphones keep launching and it can be a little bit confusing but here I'm going to give you some basic pointers that you should look at when you're buying the latest smartphones,

latest smartphones 2020

and this applies to anyone, for example, I'll talk specifically if it's a budget phone what you need to look at mid-range are on the premium end and let's gone over it are divided into ten broad points so let's start first with the processor and the good thing is now that in 2020,

if you buy any latest smartphones generally the processors on them are actually so good that it's not going to be very laggy or something in a UI or if you click what do you say a small app like Twitter X that will take 2-3 seconds to load us up so that is a good thing but again,

if you're buying a new latest smartphones even in the budget range avoid the Snapdragon 4x lineup of chipset some of the vendors the lower end vendors are still offering some of the phones with snapdragon 430 for the 39 etc so avoid that I would say here the media at X Helio chipsets are the one to go for example you can now find the Helio P 70 SOC even in what do you say phones around seven-eight thousand,

I feel that's actually a good point about the Snapdragon 4x lineup in that budget range now if you talk about the mid-range which is again the most popular one in India here I would say ah now if you're getting yeah because generally some of the vendors release some latest smartphones with an aggressive price point but they try to use a large generation processor here,

if you're going I would say go at least with the snapdragon 675 the least I would say is the snapdragon 660 if you're getting a very good deal on something but mostly I would say for the mid-range the processor that you should go will be the Snapdragon series it can be anything on the lower end 710 712 or even the newer ones like the Snapdragon 720 G is actually very good,

I would say that's the best pick in terms of performance and power that's very power efficient then if you do a lot of gaming and stuff then you can have the non-pregnant 7/3 PG also and from the MediaTek, we have the p90 and the g9 TT, etc those are also actually good processors that you can get and again on the flagship and you know that with the snapdragon,

we have this dragon 865 that you will get so that's what we have and but again if you're gonna take a Samson mid-range latest smartphones which are again pretty popular because it gets other things right again if it's a Samsung one mostly it could exceed us but make sure it is at least the Exynos 96 11 because this one has at least a 10-nanometer process,

the earlier exhale nose once I would not recommend now I'm moving to storage which is again very important I would say minimum 32GB even on the very budget oriented purse Mart phones it simply does not make any sense to go below that I would suggest at least 64 gigabytes which should be the minimum internal storage ideally,

I would say go with 128 gigabytes if you plan to use your phone for more than a year or so because many of the apps for example even your Whatsapp data and heavy games etc will decide on your internal memory even if you have a microSD card slot so,

I would say 128 gigabytes is the sweet spot but yeah you can get away with 64 32 is the bare minimum but I would lean over 64 if I were you and also in terms of storage, yes you can't expect this in the ultra low budget but even in the mid-range make sure it has that UFS 2.1 storage because of many of the mid-range latest smartphones,

latest smartphones coming soon

these they are coming with that 48-megapixel camera even some of them are coming at the 64-megapixel camera and you need a storage that is fast too right if it's not fast if you click a photograph you will see that circle again in this rotating like that because the store it is simply not that fast to process and again on the higher-end variants you are getting u FS 3 dot o storage or even u FS 3.1

so make sure it has generally if it's a flagship it'll have u FS 3 to storage now coming to ram this is a controversial thing and I would say avoid even on the ultra-budget range that is six-seven thousand rupees latest smartphones white phones having two gigabytes of RAM,

because what we are noticing is that Android is giving getting heavier and we're within every generation and many of the popular apps are actually getting heavier so they require a lot more RAM so I would suggest phones having a minimum of three gigabytes of RAM even if you're looking for a budget-oriented latest smartphones in mid-range the minimum,

I would say is four gigabytes but ideally, I would say go with six gigabytes of RAM because again as I've told you many of the new phones are coming with that higher megapixel cameras like 64, etc and that extra RAM is actually required to process the images so I would say mid-range minimum the bare minimum is 4 gigabyte,

I would lean towards that 6 gigabytes of RAM and on flagships yes 8 gigabytes is more than enough I'm not in that what do you say the mantra of having 12 gigabytes of RAM right now you simply don't need that making bytes of RAM but yeah many vendors on the spec list for high-end phones give you that anyways now if you move to another thing and this is important in India because,

we will not see 5G till 2023 or even by 2023 now one-year extension because of this lockdown and stuff nothing is happening so India is almost three years of right now for realistically 5G deployment and by that time, if you paid something extra just for that 5G that for, might get absolutely and right now the 5G modems that,

I have been used are not that power efficient hopefully by next year we will get a lot of what you say the modems will become more power-efficient that way I would say 5G is not much right now and simply in India,

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latest smartphones

latest smartphones under 10000

it simply does not make any sense but yeah if you are an international traveler if you travel a lot to European and American countries then yes fighting make sense but again it's just for India 5G simply does not make sense we will be getting some mid-range latest smartphones in the future touting 5G and these companies will market at us as 5G ready you ready but again just use your brain a little bit,

and think will it be useful to do we have 5G in India and when we'll be checking back anyways let's now move to the important thing that is the screen that's the most important thing about the latest smartphones,

I won't talk about the screen sizes these days we simply are not getting these compact screen sizes phones so we are moving anywhere about the six-inch of screen size and the thing is that because in earlier latest smartphones,

we used to have thick bezels at the top and the bottom these days as you can see the aspect ratio has changed and so the bezels are simply not there that's why they are able to come in a lot bigger screen so these areas see the screen size anywhere from about six inches on the smaller end to about even six point nine six points seven,

I would say six point seven is slightly bigger this is the Redmi note nine pros this has a six-point seven-inch screen and definitely, it's on the bigger side I would say the comfortable size would be about six point four to six point-five inches and now talking about the screen technology here,

I would say even in the ultra low budget range don't go with the latest smartphones that give you a T&P what do you say TFT LCD display the problem with those is that doing angles are so bad if you look it straight it looks nice but even,

if you tilt a little bit it fades away and stuff but luckily most of the vendors are not giving that we will be getting an IPS LCD screen and the good thing is with the IPS LCD screen is that the viewing angles are good the color reproduction is also good,

so that's actually a nice thing but again look at the brightness level how bright the panel can go this is a next generally they specify 408 for 15 it's 508 515 it's the more expensive the phone and the Mejia brightness it can go and the advantage of this is that in direct sunlight it is easily visible another thing is that how low the phone brightness can go and this is also very important and many people forget to look at this for example at night you close all the lights and you are reading your phone,

because your spouse is looking you don't understand many phones cannot go very low in brightness so that is also something you have to note and now if we talk about AMOLED screens yes it's great and many of those some phones have between even their mid-range phones have an AMOLED screen,

and you know the advantage of AMOLED screen the great contrast and punchy colors but again beware of family screens in what do you say budget-oriented phones because the things are that many times I've seen that lower-cost AMOLED screens are simply not that good the color accuracy is very bad and also if you tilt a little bit the color shifts you will see a green issue or a pink issue, for example, me a three,

I remember had one of the very bad screens even pixel had bad so look at being a little bit critical with AMOLED screens what you have for example in this aspect the real means range if I recall the real me X actually had an AMOLED screen those actually provided good AMOLED screen so again be a little bit careful,

when you're choosing an also in AMOLED screen this is very very important this is not only for budget-oriented mid-range phones but even some of the higher-end phones have noticed that on an AMOLED screen if you lower down the brightness to very low levels it starts to flicker that should not happen that will give you a headache,

if you use the phone at night or not so again see how does the display behave if you just keep it on the very low prices it should not what you say flicker some of the new phones have a DC dimming option if that is there that might get but some of the higher-end phones for example,

I recall even the 1 + 7 t had that flickering issue so again be careful with that generally Samsung has been good with their AMOLED screens I have noticed that they don't have this flickering issue but again if you're using an amulet screen check,

how does it behave in very low light low brightness areas sorry the battery right on the camera anyways now let's talk about the battery and here I would say that the mid-range phones actually do much better than the flagships,

but I really have to talk about one battery capacity I would say at least four thousand milliamp-hour battery is a good start that should give one day's typical usage to most of the users out there again if you're a very heavy user we are a lot of latest smartphones 5,000 and even about six thousand milliamp hour that we are getting now let's also talk about fast charging you on the ultra-budget and we can't expect fast charging so you will get the 10-watt charger,

so to take a little bit of time but non-mid-range latest smartphones If you're buying a mid-range smartphone make sure and check what type of fast charging does it support 15 watts or 18 what does it support Qualcomm quick charge standard or what is the standard that is supporting and if it's a slightly higher-end latest smartphones,

I would suggest that check what kind of charging does it have 25 watts 30 watts 40 watts 45 watts or and even this is very important if it's a high-end smartphone this is important does it support power delivery this is very important if it does the power delivery then you can charge it with your laptop's USB type-c charger or something like that in fact,

latest smartphones
latest smartphones

New mobile 2020

I'll leave a link for your reference so check if it has power delivery charging options now talking about another thing is the software update cycle and in this differs from ground to band so look at the history of that brand,

how good it is with the past devices based on software updates does it provide updates quickly or not so again this is also something you have to note and tell me what am noticing is that again beware of some brands that launch too many devices because what can happen is that if they launch too many devices then the update cycle will definitely slow down so that is also something,

that you have to note but again you have to do a little bit of googling and see if their older devices were getting software update regularly or not so this is also an important aspect about Android upgrades many people talk to me about that realistically guys even on higher-end latest smartphones,

we generally had just only two cycles of Android OS updates if you want more than switch to iPhones now talking about camera performance again here megapixel count is not everything and I'm also not a firm believer of having five different cameras at the back of your camera,

I would say if a smartphone is having multiple cameras three things that you have to look into it if it's on a higher-end make sure it has optical image stabilization it should have a regular camera it should have a good fine angle lens and a good telephoto that's a zoom lens these are the three things that it should have and if it's a higher megapixel again most of them will do pixel winning so again see how good is the image processing how does it this is a big difference,

I've noticed in the industry yeah both let's say a and B vendor are they both might have the same 64-megapixel camera sensor exactly the same but the images that you see at the output will be very different,

and then we know how both these firms do the after image processing so again that is also very important in the last one year after Lotus won one and a half years Xiaomi has really improved their image processing ugly this to be not garbage,

but again I've noticed that Xiaomi also has a variation between one model to the other so again be careful sometimes if they might launch two models and the expensive one might have better image processing  so again that is also important and you have to look at samples and stuff to see and how are the skin tones that are produced because,

if you just take static pictures of sceneries and stuff that buildings and stuff they will look nice because most of those latest smartphones have very good resolutions these days but how does it process human subjects and stuff if you take selfies how good are the selfies how's the skin tone and so these are some things that you have to notice so again look for reviews with samples and stuff for that and now if we talk about what do you say front-facing camera here,

I feel have noticed that some branch example Oppo and we will put a lot of stress on the front-facing camera so if I feel the image processing that open Vivo does are actually better than many of the ones for example in this area I feel Samsung the higher-end phones don't do that well in the what do you say selfie Department now lastly and this is regarding video recording don't get me wrong many of the latest smartphones do actually 4k video recording also that's common but the problem is that how's the quality of the video that isn't very important I would say the gold standard as of now is the video that we get from iPhone generally,

the iPhones do plug good but some of them are new Android phones are also doing good and media it's not just at 4k but what is the quality of them you, for example, I'm recording from this camera but I'm recording it at 1080p but the 1080p recording quality is way better than any latest smartphones,

that can record okay so look at the quality of the video recording and also look at if the device has optical image stabilization if it doesn't have many of the mid-range phones won't have that but make sure does it have an I guess that is electronic image tablet otherwise you simply cannot handle and shoot the video to be very shaky and also if you are a person who likes to do blogging and stuff then make sure the front-facing camera also supports,

I guess that is electronic image stable otherwise if you shoot the video like this it will be very very shaky so these are some of the things that you need to look at and apart from that that 4k or whatever look at the video and see how's the open do you like that picture quality how it's processing the images and everything,

I've told you every brand has a specific type of image that they want to get with their image processing so that is also important apart from that you also have to look at some of the generic stuff again watch different reviews for that for example,

how is the call quality that is the here piece on the device generally I've found that most are good but sometimes some models the piece is not curved how's the network reception most of the phones do good in goodnight Ferguson,

but how does it perform in areas with no low network area does it get disconnected a lot of stuff like that support for Volte these days most of the phones will have but what about Wi-Fi calling with what networks to do with that work how is the speakerphone quality because of many times,

we take calls why speakerphone how is the fingerprint on it is it fast a house if it's in-display fingerprint scanner is it faster what house this a speaker or a TN loudness so these are some of the things that you need to look when you're buying a new smartphone this is a generic overview but I hope to look at some of these points motor down the paper whenever you are looking for a new smartphone and see what are the criteria that are very important to you get a check back or not anyways guys that's it.

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